El jefe guiar para Málaga.

Bienvenido amigo!

An Overview.

My name is Sebastian (that's me on the far left in all black), and I am currently studying at
BIFE. Advanced business management (level 6) to be exact. I have a love for art forms, and editing this during the time in Malaga, I can assure you, there is no shortage of art here, in all different forms. I also love the gym, it is my escape, and even being in Malaga, you best know I found one as soon as I could! Being here has opened my eyes more than I would have ever expected. Coming from South Africa, my horizons were always pretty short sighted, now with opportunities like these, I can finally see, and experience things that were only always dreams to me. This group, is nothing but perfect. The banter, the friendships being built, the experiences shared. I could not have asked for anyone better to have gone on this mobility with.

A Warm Welcome!


To put it as simply as possible, this trip, although it is eye opening, and beautiful. It did come with it's stresses, especially being someone who is not from the EU. When I was applying for my visa to fly over, the Spanish embassy was closed for an extensive amount of time, as well as them leaving it to last minute to send out my passport with the visa; I am just really happy that it did come through in the end. 

Coming up to the mobility, I was also going through a very tough time in regards to my mental health. I do not want to go into too much depth here, but I just want to put it in words here how appreciative I am for all the support I have received and am still receiving from everyone. The beginning of this year is a time I will never forget, as a spark of hope was reignited by those who helped me. I may not be as on top of things as of late; but I am slowly but surely working my way up to being able to take on the world again head on.


I have not flown out of Ireland since I had arrived there in 2019, so the new airport methods were new to me, as well as flying itself being a refreshing experience, especially to a country like Spain. I had expected the weather to be warmer here for this time, so I may have under packed, but there are no shortage of shops to add to the suitcase here in Malaga. As the days have gone by, the weather has become warmed, and the skies bluer. Malaga reminds me a lot of where I grew up, just without the immense load of crime, and the constant need to look over your shoulder. I love it here. Do not even let me get started on how beautiful the buildings are!


The rooms were splendid, from the visits to others to our own. I had shared accommodation with Cathal and Ethan. When we first arrived we were met by Fernando at the front door where the pigeons congregated. Making a swift entry into the apartment, we were met by a newly renovated apartment, with a gorgeous amount of natural lighting. Our rooms were great with amazing amounts of space. I had unfortunately forgotten to take pictures of the apartment, but there are a few videos on my camera of a quick walking tour.

Work Placement.

I was put with Ricard, Miguel and Sara at European Era, working as the camera man, and sorting out the certificates for some of the groups that were there during the time we were too. Working with them was a treat, and I do wish that I had at least given them some support during the busy times. They were extremely accommodating, as well as friendly and made me feel at home when I first got to the office.


Upon all of the other great experiences that occurred during the stay in Malaga, the adventures as a group were most likely my favourite. The adventures to Nerja, to Cordoba, and the experiences in Malaga city. Unfortunately some activities were postponed / cancelled due to bad weather, like the sunset viewing, however, the rest made up for it as each adventure was breathtaking. Below are some pictures of the adventure to a small village close to Nerja, Nerja itself and the boat trip at the end of the trip. (Well a picture of me taking a picture.) (Thank you Christina!)


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